Unified billing and provisioning solution to stop wasting time and resources on maintaining several systems and platforms and boost overall business efficiency.
Business Solutions Technologies UsedOur partner is one of the largest energy suppliers in the Netherlands with 400,000 household customers and 20,000 commercial accounts. The company offers telecommunications, internet, and television services and develops progressive products and services such as smart thermostats and apps, data services, solar concepts, and electric mobility solutions.
The company offers energy, telecommunications, and internet services. The billing and provisioning processes for these services were implemented on several platforms including SAP and Mendix. Supporting these platforms appeared to be time-consuming and cost ineffective.
Our client wanted to create a single billing and provisioning system for all the services that would perform all process flows starting from incoming orders and ending with a supply of service.
Methodology: Scrum Technologies: Bella, WebAPI, C#, .NET, MS SQL, ASP .NET, Single-Page Application approach, Angular 5, microservice architecture
Billing and provisioning are crucial processes in the telecommunications industry. Lack of automation in these processes may cost a lot of time and money. Fully automated systems helped our telecom partner streamline operations and processes, optimize cost and time, and take their business efficiency to the next level.